Saturday, July 30, 2011

...Not Always Rainbows And Butterflies...

Purple Swimsuit - Ingenue :: Tropica Playsuit :: Passion Fruit *Rare* - At Albero Summer Gatcha Festival {50L for each try on the gatcha]
Teal Swimsuit - Ingenue :: Tropica Playsuit :: Pool - At Albero Summer Gatcha Festival {50L for each try on the gatcha]
Pose from the 3rd pic -  Rozenaneko girl pose ~  yes i am - {Project Themeory ~ 75l - On total it comes with 8 different  poses.}


Bíquini roxo - Ingenue :: Tropica Playsuit :: Passion Fruit *Raro* - No evento Albero Summer Gatcha Festival {50L por cada jogada]
Bíquini verde água - Ingenue :: Tropica Playsuit :: Pool - No evento Albero Summer Gatcha Festival  {50L por cada jogada]
Pose da 3° foto -  Rozena neko girl pose ~  yes i am - {Project Themeory ~ 75l - Ao todo o pacote vêm com 8 poses.}

Monday, July 25, 2011

..."Dream a Little Dream of Me"...

Bikini + necklace, bracelet, star that is on the hair and ankle bracelets - *{ SeVered GarDeN }* Bia * ~ Sky - {New}
Bicycle - {what next} - Summertime Bicycle Pose Prop - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free} 


Bíquini + colar, pulseira, tornozeleiras, estrelas no cabelo  - *{ SeVered GarDeN }* Bia * ~ Sky - {Lançamento}

Bicicleta - {what next} - Summertime Bicycle Pose Prop - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}

Sunday, July 24, 2011

..."Perfect Soul, Perfect Mind... A Perfect Lie"...

Shirt - Berries Inc. - racer top blue - {Lazy Sunday - 75L}


Blusa - Berries Inc. - racer top blue - {Lazy Sunday - 75L}

Saturday, July 23, 2011

...The Dreams That Breathe Your Name...

Vest - *BOOM* - Mini Vest (Rose Garden-Vintage) - The Poupée Hunt's Oficial Blog - PouPeeHunt #16 -*BOOM* (1/2) - Look for a doll - {Free}
Top - Tres Blah - Summer Bikini Outfit (Seasons Hunt: Summer) - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Short - The Secret Store - Summer beach shorts - Lagoon - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Polka dots bow - (Tokidoki) bow2 funk BB - Gatcha - 25L per try
Bag - +mocha+ - Gamaguchi Backpack - The Poupée Hunt's Oficial Blog - PouPeeHunt #46 -mocha - Look for a doll - {Free}
Boots - ::{u.f.o}:: - rainy rainy boots- The Poupée Hunt's Oficial Blog- PouPeeHunt #03 - ::{u.f.o}:: ( - Look for a doll - {Free}

Table - {theosophy} Redwick Patio Table - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Lantern - {theosophy} Faenor Lantern - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Breakfast's tray - cluttered flowey - cluttered. summer breakfast - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Pink/Yellow round little sofa in the right - Little Boxes Fairytale Nook - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}

Colete - *BOOM* - Mini Vest (Rose Garden-Vintage) - Blog oficial da "The Poupée Hunt" - PouPeeHunt #16 -*BOOM* (1/2) - Procure por uma boneca - {Free}
Top - Tres Blah - Summer Bikini Outfit (Seasons Hunt: Summer) - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}
Short - The Secret Store - Summer beach shorts - Lagoon - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}
Laço marrom de bolinhas - (Tokidoki) bow2 funk BB - Gatcha - 25L cada jogada
Bolsa - +mocha+ - Gamaguchi Backpack - Blog oficial da "The Poupée Hunt"  - PouPeeHunt #46 -mocha - Procure por uma boneca - {Free}
Botas - ::{u.f.o}:: - rainy rainy boots - Blog oficial da "The Poupée Hunt" - PouPeeHunt #03 - ::{u.f.o}:: ( - Procure por uma boneca - {Free}

Mesinha - {theosophy} Redwick Patio Table - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}
Lanterna - {theosophy} Faenor Lantern - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}
Bandeja com café da manhã - cluttered flowey - cluttered. summer breakfast - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}
Poltrona redonda amarela/rosinha - Little Boxes Fairytale Nook - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}

Thursday, July 21, 2011

*~~La Fleur de Saison~~*

I took these pics a few days ago but I didn't have the time untill now to post them. I know most of the stuff is already blogged here, but I just couldn't let those pics go to waste and not blog them.


Tirei essas fotos fazem uns dias já, e sei que a maioria dessas coisas já foram blogadas aqui.... Mas é que simplesmente fiquei com dó de desperdiçá-las e bem, aqui está então.

Dress with belt - -paper.doll- Aria: SeasonsHunt - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Eyes - .ID. Summertime Reflections - Blue/The Woods - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Bracelet, earrings and necklace - ::Duh!:: Colors of Summer - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Pumps - (epoque) Season Pumps - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Loft bed with the lanterns - [*Art Dummy!]and in summer fall (outdoor loft bed)The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Vestido com cinto - -paper.doll- Aria: SeasonsHunt -The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}
Olhos - .ID. Summertime Reflections - Blue/The Woods - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}
Brincos, colar, pulseira - ::Duh!:: Colors of Summer - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}
Sapato - (epoque) Season Pumps - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}
Cama com lanternas - [*Art Dummy!]and in summer fall (outdoor loft bed) - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}

*~~\Wasabi Pills\ - Pompom~~*

/Wasabi Pills/ Pompon Hair - Orchid -  

{I edited the pompon version one to make the default hairband transparent. This way I could keep just the pompons on. I could do that because the hair is modifiable!}


{Eu editei a versão com pompons para retirar o arquinho de laço e deixá-lo transparente. Assim você pode retirar laço mas ainda sim pode manter os lindos pompons. Consegui fazer isso facilmente pois o cabelo é modificável} 

/Wasabi Pills/ Pompon Hair  - Aquatic - 

{Version with the hair band and the pompons}


{Versão com o arquinho de laço e os pompons}

Tangerine | Gingerbread 
- - -
Powder | Jellyfish

Jungle | Flaming Cherry

Hair - /Wasabi Pills/ - Pompon Hair - {New!}
{It comes with 2 versions included: one comes with the pompon + the hair band (the ribbon and the bands change texture/color and they can be personalized how you desire!), and the other one without the pompon/the hair band}


Cabelo - /Wasabi Pills/ - Pompon Hair - {Lançamento!}
{Vem com duas versões incluídas: uma vem com os pompons + arquinho de laço (os lacinhos e os elásticos do cabelo possuem várias texturas/cores pra serem personalizados como queira!), já a outra versão vem sem o pompom/arquinho de laço.}

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

*~~The Sweetest Thing~~*

Outfit - *{ SeVered GarDeN }* - KYM* Coco/Softfruits [Comes with this dripping basket!]

Mouth cute object - .ILLUSORY. Pod Pals - D:< - {Gatcha}
Hair - /Wasabi Pills/ - Pompon Hair - Hair Band/Pompon - Aquatic - {New}

Loft bed with the lanterns - [*Art Dummy!]and in summer fall (outdoor loft bed)The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Buntings/Pennant - {vespertine} - summer buntings -  The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}


Conjunto branco com flores - *{ SeVered GarDeN }* - KYM* Coco/Softfruits [Vem com essa linda cesta que cai pequenas gotas d'água.]

Objeto da boca - .ILLUSORY. Pod Pals - D:< - {Gatcha}
Cabelo - /Wasabi Pills/ - Pompon Hair - Hair Band/Pompon - Aquatic - {Lançamento}

Cama com lanternas - [*Art Dummy!] - and in summer fall (outdoor loft bed) - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}

Bandeirinhas coloridas - {vespertine} - summer buntings -  The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um tubarão - {Free}

...Baby, It's Cold Outside...

Bodysuit - Sur+ - creamsicle bodysuit - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}  
Earrings - [ glow ] studio Vinty Vinty Earrings - 1l
Eyes from the 2° pic - .ID. Summertime Reflections - Blue/The Woods - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Necklace - (Caroline's Jewelry) - Sea Necklace - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
 Skin from the 2° pic - Al Vulo! - pollon* summer pink cleavage peach TFG - Just 75l at the The Fashion Garret! {By the way this make up is a special one, this is not a default one in the usual skins that you can buy for the normal price at the mainstore... So run because I personally think this is a great and special opportunity to grab a very amazing skin in this gorgeous make-up for such an awesome price!}
Pose from the 1st pic - GLITTERATI - Jewelled - 001 - {Comes with 10 poses on total} - Join the ::Mood:: group (the fee to join is 500l) and check the notices to grab the gift - {group gift}


Body/Collant - Sur+ - creamsicle bodysuit - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um objeto em forma de tubarão - {Free}
Brincos - [ glow ] studio Vinty Vinty Earrings - 1l
Olhos da 2° foto - .ID. Summertime Reflections - Blue/The Woods - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um objeto em forma de tubarão - {Free}
Colar - (Caroline's Jewelry) - Sea Necklace - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um objeto em forma de tubarão - {Free}
 Skin da 2° foto - Al Vulo! - pollon* summer pink cleavage peach TFG - Por apenas 75l no the The Fashion Garret! {Make exclusiva que não é comum nos lançamentos da Al Vulo e ainda por cima com esse preço?! Eu pessoalmente achei essa uma ótima oportunidade por um custoxbenefício tão baixo!}
Pose da 1° foto - GLITTERATI - Jewelled - 001 - {Vem 10 poses ao todo} - Entre no grupo ::Mood::  (taxa para entrar custa 500l) e cheque as notícias para pegar o presente - {group gift}

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

...A Book Like This...

Bracelet - LaGyo - Cocoa tropic bangle - LaGyo for The Season Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Bag - *Tea Time* - Old Bag Green - {New}
Jacket - C'est moi! my short jacket
Nailpolish - * RezIpsa Loc * ~ Gerbera Nails 
Short + Red Bow Belt - ::{u.f.o}:: - hot summer for season - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Socks - *Tea Time* - Suspender socks beje/brown - {New}
Flats - **DECO - Meadow Flat  (olive)**- The Seasons Hunt Summer - Look for a shark - {Free}
Scooter - (pda) - Ca plane pour moi - (pda) for Seasons Hunt - Summer 2011 - Look for a shark - {Free}
Pose - Apple Spice - Handbag Pose 003  - {New}


Pulseira - LaGyo - Cocoa tropic bangle - LaGyo for The Season Hunt Summer - Procure por um objeto em forma de tubarão - {Free}
Bolsa - *Tea Time* - Old Bag Green - {Lançamento}
Jaqueta - C'est moi! my short jacket
Esmalte - * RezIpsa Loc * ~ Gerbera Nails 
Short + cinto de laço vermelho - ::{u.f.o}:: - hot summer for season - The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um objeto em forma de tubarão - {Free}
Meias - *Tea Time* - Suspender socks beje/brown - {Lançamento}
Sapatilha - **DECO - Meadow Flat  (olive)**- The Seasons Hunt Summer - Procure por um objeto em forma de tubarão - {Free}
Lambreta - (pda) - Ca plane pour moi - (pda) for Seasons Hunt - Summer 2011 - Procure por um objeto em forma de tubarão - {Free}
Pose - Apple Spice - Handbag Pose 003  - {Lançamento}

Friday, July 15, 2011

*~~(Red) Mint - Hair Fair~~*

(r)M ~ Hair No.09(F) ~ Dark Teal {New} | (r)M ~ Hair No.10(F) ~ Lavender {New}

(r)M ~ Hair No.11 (F) ~ Pink | (r)M ~ Hair No.11 (F) ~ Lavender {New}

[Ps. Today is the last day of the Hair Fair, so run and go visit the 4 sims before is too late!And even though if you can't buy anything there are tons of amazing freebies there and also dollarbies. It certainly worth to take a look.]


[Ps. Hoje é o último dia da Hair Fair, por isso vá visitar antes que seja tarde demais! Mesmo que não possa comprar nada lá, vá visitar pois há muitos cabelos frees e dollarbies em várias lojas. Vale super a pena checar.]

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

...Don't Look Back...

Flower on the hair - YC - Gold Rose - Hair Acessorie - 35L
Blouse (already comes with the belt) - AOHARU - Cotton Shirt with Scarf Vest - Paisley Green {New}
Bag - *Tea Time* - Greenviolet flower bag
Shoes - ANEXX - Fringe Morocco Sandal - Brown {New}
Pose - Apple Spice - Handbag Pose - 003 {New}


Flor que está no cabelo - YC - Gold Rose - Hair Acessorie - 35L
Blusa com colete (já vem com o cinto na própria blusa) - AOHARU - Cotton Shirt with Scarf Vest - Paisley Green {Lançamento}
Bolsa - *Tea Time* - Greenviolet flower bag
Sandália - ANEXX - Fringe Morocco Sandal - Brown {Lançamento}
Pose - Apple Spice - Handbag Pose - 003 {Lançamento}

Saturday, July 9, 2011

*~~Vita's Boudoir - Lace Boudoir Shoes~~*

They are pretty, they're unique and they're new! Vita's Boudoir just released this shoe collection named Lace Boudoir Shoes, and they're available in 8 different patterns for you to choose. Here I'm showing 7 of the 8 total different Lace Boudoir Shoes available. 


Eles são lindos, únicos e novissímos! A loja Vita's Boudoir lançou essa coleção de sapatos chamada Lace Boudoir Shoes, e eles estão disponíveis em 8 diferentes desenhos para serem escolhidos. Aqui estou mostrando apenas 7 entre os 8 disponíveis.

Lace Embroidery | Lace White Brocade
Lace Lady Bird | Lace Pink Dotty

Black Lace | Lil Birdie | Lace Skull Shoes

*~Visit: Vita's Boudoir~*

*~Visite: Vita's Boudoir~*


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